Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar’s plane had to land at Rahim Yar Khan airport due to bad weather while coming from Karachi to Lahore. He called a meeting at the airport to review the law and order situation as well as the pace of work on development projects in Rahim Yar Khan.
The meeting was attended by Ch. Javed Iqbal Warraich MNA, Ch. Muhammad Shafique MPA, Deputy Commissioner Ali Shahzad others. Addressing the meeting, the CM said the people of South Punjab are given their rights for the first time. He stressed the need for public welfare and development of south Punjab and said that it was an important agenda of the PTI government. Meanwhile, work is in progress on different schemes in Rahim Yar Khan and a special development package will be announced for the district, which is a gateway of the province.
He announced to improve health and educational infrastructure adding that healthcare facilities are improved besides provision of funds for the phase-II of Sheikh Zayed Hospital. He apprised the meeting that BSL lab and CT scan machine will be made functional in Rahim Yar Khan this month and announced to conduct a detailed visit of the district soon. The CM said a comprehensive plan will be devised for composite development of Rahim Yar Khan district by involving chamber of commerce as the people of Sindh and Balochistan would also get benefit from the facilities in this district.
He directed to take steps for improving waste management and announced that work is in progress for police reforms for the protection of life and property of the people. Phase-wise recruitment is made in police along with the provision of necessary resources.—APP