Salahuddin Haider
BIDEN praises Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and quoted from Hadees to seek being guidance, giving clear message to Muslim , who, like Blacks. voted for him in large numbers to ensure his victory as th 4t6th President of Unite States, the world’s most powerful nation and soon promised to initiate a new era of peace, dignity and justice for all irrespective of their cast, creed, religion, background they come from, or languages they speak. He also promised to lift restrictions on Muslims of America.
World therefore seems convinced that the dark era of American history was over, and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr’s election as the 46th president of the United States Saturday, may well be advent of a new era of hope, unity and well-being for all, blacks and Muslims included. Deep down, it was his humility, dignified behaviour and determination to defeat jealousies, hatred, contempt for non-whites, and end to discrimination against Muslims and religions other than Christianity, earned him the coveted position as head of State of world’s most powerful nation.
That CAIR(Council of American-Islamic Relations), a powerful organization of American Muslims has been appealing its supporters to vote for Biden, because it will be vote for justice, fairplay, and human dignity. It felt happy at sad both at the same time—happy because 80 percent of its followers voted for Democrat President, and sad because of vandalism at Kansas Mosque, and at Turkish Restaurant in Beverley Hills, Southern California, a place known for Hollywood studios
Throughout his campaign and much before that. Biden, twice vice-president of his country, is well aware of the ticklish statecraft, and if Donald Trump, trying to create trouble, may see some anguish and tussle in the beginning. But the US administration, jittery over Trumps refusal to accept the results, and looking for court proceeding, did ignite some trouble, but th administration, alive to riots ets, sent extra troops to various counties and States to bock those fomenting agitation.
The biggest lesson this voting pattern brought home was that American democracy was saved from the threat it had been expecting. Against all expectation, turn out was great, enormous in fact. Biden by bagging 740 million votes, set a new record, breaking the 690 million votes polled by Barak Obama..
Under American system, President is to a very great extent free from dependence on parliament, nevertheless will need support from Congress and the Senate. With Florida still in control of Trump party, congress nevertheless doe have a slender majority, which could be helpful to Biden to fulfill his commitments of fight against pandemics and also improving a depleting economy.
His opening address to the nation were greeted with cheers, brought smile and tears on faces of the people, who had been looking rather depressed by Trump’s policies. His message that “ I have come to united people, not divide them. Let us all join hands to build America which the world wanted it to be— An America, where unity should replace divisions, should be on path to glory and well-being. This was classical example of sincere and honest leadership. Let bygones be bygones, like the great South African leader Nelson Mandela did after release from 27 years of imprisonment, and yet inviting his rival to join hands with him in building a new South Africa.
Reports collected from New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Fox News or Associated Press of America all showed consensus that Biden’s promise to restore political normalcy and a spirit of national unity to confront raging health and economic crises, and making Donald J. Trump a one-term president after four years of tumult in the White House.
In blunt comments, New York Times commented that Biden’s victory amounted to a repudiation of Mr. Trump by millions of voters exhausted with his divisive conduct and chaotic administration, and was delivered by an unlikely alliance of women, people of color, old and young voters and a sliver of disaffected Republicans. Mr. Trump is only the third elected president since World War II to lose re-election, and the first in more than a quarter-century.
The result also provided a history-making moment for Mr. Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris of California, who will become the first woman to serve as vice president. Indian prime minister Nirender Modi greeted Kamala Harris, from Indian mother and Jamaican father hoping her to consolidate Indo-US ties, and look after the Indian settlers in United States. But this showed his narrow mindedness. Against that Prime Minister Imran Khan felicitated both, hoping that Biden will work with Pakistan to bring peace in Afghanistan, and also take a clear cut stand on Kashmir. He had said that Kashmir was problem territory, but expecting any major change in US policies towards India or China, will merely be dreams.
With his triumph, Mr. Biden, who turns 78 later this month, fulfilled his decades-long ambition in his third bid for the White House, becoming the oldest person elected president. A pillar of Washington who was first elected amid the Watergate scandal, and who prefers political consensus over combat, Mr. Biden will lead a nation and a Democratic Party that have become far more ideological since his arrival in the capital in 1973.
He offered a mainstream Democratic agenda, yet it was less his policy platform than his biography to which many voters gravitated. Seeking the nation’s highest office a half-century after his first campaign, Mr. Biden — a candidate in the late autumn of his career — presented his life of setback and recovery to voters as a parable for a wounded country.
Trump’s insistence “this election is far from over” and vowed that his campaign would “start prosecuting our case in court” minus details can only be treated his defeated mindset.
The race, which concluded after four tense days of vote-counting in a handful of battlegrounds, was a singular referendum on Mr. Trump in a way no president’s re-election has been in modern times. He coveted the attention, and voters who either adored him or loathed him were eager to render judgment on his tenure. From the beginning to the end of the race, Mr. Biden made the president’s character central to his campaign.