Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan has said that the Indian Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) was tantamount to rubbing salt on the wounds of Kashmiri people.
Terming Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah as the biggest terrorists, he said that their hands were soaked with the blood of innocent Kashmiris. Talking to media persons here Saturday, he said, they (India) brought all hell in Kashmir during the last few years but despite unleashing a reign of terror, they have miserably failed to dampen the Kashmiris’ resolve and their urge for freedom of their motherland.
Terming Pakistan as the ultimate destination of Kashmiris, the AJK PM said that the ongoing liberation struggle would continue till this goal was achieved. Through state terrorism, he said, India cannot deter Kashmiris from pursuing the noble cause of freedom. He further said that over the past seven decades, the people of IIOJK suffered all kinds of brutalities at the hands of Indian forces.
He said that the Indian state had committed blatant violations of basic human rights in the restive region. He said that hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris had been martyred whereas tens of thousands of innocent Kashmiris continue to rot in jails.
Lauding the Kashmiris’ struggle and sacrifices, Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan said that it was high time that the world should play its much needed role to help Kashmiris attain their legitimate right guaranteed to them by the international community. He said that Pakistan had been a strong proponent of Kashmirs’ right to self-determination. Despite facing many challenges, Pakistan extended its all out diplomatic, moral and political support to Kashmirs, he added.