Senior Punjab Minister Abdul Aleem Khan has said that Ayaz Sadiq’s pro-India statements are based on gaining Modi’s approval which is not only anti-national but also tantamount to treason against the constitution.
While commenting on the explanation given by Ayaz Sadiq in his press conference, Abdul Aleem Khan reacted that it is regrettable that Ayaz Sadiq making excuses and still not accepting the reality and his blunder. In his remarks, Senior Minister Abdul Aleem Khan said that Modi, who was hiding his face from the world till yesterday over the shocking defeat and ridicule at the hands of Pakistan’s brave forces is now celebrating after the statements of “Ayaz Mir Sadiq”. He added that there is no need for traitors like Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq in the presence of Ayaz Sadiq. Abdul Aleem Khan said that instead of apologizing to the nation for his statement, Ayaz Sadiq’s arrogance has reached the point of dishonour for himself.
He said that such face has been identified and people will never accept the explanation of the enemies of this country. Senior Minister Abdul Aleem Khan further said that Ayaz Sadiq and his party could go to any extent for power. Still, no one should be mistaken as love for Pakistan is part of the faith of all of us and in the same way, the value of our fearless forces is ingrained in the hearts of Pakistanis while everyone is ready to sacrifice life for this beloved motherland. Abdul Aleem Khan said that Modi’s pleasure would be costly to Ayaz Sadiq and he will not find refuge anywhere from fear of public reaction.
Abdul Aleem Khan added that Ayaz Sadiq and his party can go as far as selling the country in the lust of power that is why every Pakistani today is demanding that a case of sedition be registered against Ayaz Sadiq for his statements against the country and the Army and that he should be awarded exemplary punishment.