Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, through its literary committee “Sheher o Sukhan,” celebrated the launch of Rana Mehboob Akhtar’s book Sindh Gulaal at the Josh Malihabadi Library. The event, moderated by Shakeel Khan, brought together prominent literary figures, including Professor Sahar Ansari, who presided over the ceremony, and renowned authors Noor-ul-Huda Shah, Madad Ali Sindhi, Dr. Fatima Hassan, and Dr. Ambareen Haseeb Ambar. Professor Sahar Ansari lauded Sindh Gulaal as a profound work capturing Sindh’s history, culture, and literature.
He highlighted its vivid portrayal of Sindh’s spirituality, philosophy, and the timeless poetry of Shah Latif, along with its exploration of Mohenjo-Daro and the legacy of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar. Madad Ali Sindhi praised the book for its captivating narrative, stating that it encapsulates Sindh’s 7,500-year history, with special focus on the documented past 3,500 years. He suggested translating the book for wider accessibility, pledging to advocate for its publication by the Cultural Department.
Noor-ul-Huda Shah reflected on the book’s grassroots approach to chronicling Sindh’s history, emphasizing how it captures the daily lives and resistance spirit of Sindh’s people, often overlooked by royal historians. She remarked that Sindh, frequently celebrated in poetry as a mother or a beloved, finds its true essence mirrored in Akhtar’s work. Dr. Fatima Hassan praised Sindh Gulaal for its deep exploration of Sindh’s historical landmarks and cultural richness. She emphasized how every line of the book reveals the depth of Sindh’s civilization and creative legacy.
Dr. Ambareen Haseeb Ambar noted that the book transcends geography, presenting Sindh as a harmonious blend of past, present, and future. She described it as a dreamland depicted through its songs, culture, and philosophy, urging greater recognition of such literary gems. Expressing his devotion to Sindh, Rana Mehboob Akhtar explained that the book is an effort to preserve the region’s cultural heritage.
He warned of the urgent need to protect Sindh’s historical and cultural treasures, stating that without intervention, Sindh might face losses akin to those witnessed at Mohenjo-Daro.