An oath taking ceremony of the newly established Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Tiger Force, was held here at Khar Sub-Division, District Bajaur. Assistant Commissioner Khar Fazal Rahim was the chief guest on this occasion.
The Tiger Force was aimed at to ensure relief to the people at the door steps during lockdown situation and coronavirus.
MNA Gul Zafar Khan, Tehsildars, political and social personalities and members of Tiger Force attended the function.
The Assistant Commissioner Khar Fazal Rahim elaborated on the Code of Conduct issued by the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan to the Corona Tiger Force.
Addressing the Corona Tiger Force members, the Assistant Commissioner Fazal Rahim said that we all have to do this work as a responsible citizen.
If you have any problem in any place, report it to the concerned Tehsildar immediately.
He further said that Corona Tiger Force should continue its work from Monday and submit daily performance report to the concerned AC and Tehsildar. Finally, Assistant Commissioner Khar Fazal Rahim administered the oath of office from the Corona Tiger Force members.—APP