Punjab Heath Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid has assured that besides increasing the testing capacity, measures are being put into place to enhance the maintain standards as well. She was speaking at a video link conference at the Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department chaired by Punjab Assembly Speaker Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi.
The video link conference was attended by Law Minister Raja Basharat, political leaders, Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Secretary Nabeel Awan and Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Secretary Usman Younis.
PSH Department Secretary Usman Younis gave a detailed briefing to the chair on the measures taken to control the Corona Pandemic. Speaker Punjab Assembly Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi appreciated the measures of the government especially those related to scaling up of the testing capacity.
Dr Yasmin Rashid said, “We are not only increasing the testing capacity but also working on improving the standard of tests.
More professionals are being hired in the labs. All out measures are being taken to ensure safety of staff working for treatment of Corona patients. Further, the safety precautions for people coming to receive financial support as part of Ehsas Program are also being ensured.”
Later, the minister responded to different questions and queries of the parliamentarians in the conference.