ATTOCK The centuries-old Sikh religious festival of Baisakhi- also known as Sikh baptism ceremony– like other religious festivals including Passover and Easter before it – took place in the dark shadow of the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic at Gurdw ara Punja Sahib Hassanabdal on Tuesday. The traditional hustle and bustle w ith multi colored turbans missing, group prayers, services, entertainment and martial arts as well as procession named Nagar Kirtan – and features chanting, singing and colourful clothing, singing and chanting hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib, none of that w ill happen this year at Gurdwara Punja Sahib Hassanabdal. With a few participants, the Granthi, or Chief Pastor Kulbeer Singh offered the main Bhog ceremony while Pardhan (President) Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Sardar Satwant Singh offered the Ardas.