KARACHI In an effort to mitigate the sufferings of the people affected by closure of businesses due to the ongoing lockdown, Pakistan Navy on Thursday distributed ration among the deserving families living at the coastal belt of Sindh and Balochistan. According to the Pakistan Naval spokesperson, the relief activities from the platform of Pakistan Navy are underway across the country. The ration was distributed in the adjoining villages in Sindh and Balochistan coastal belts. The ration was also distributed in Lahore, Bahawalpur and Multan among the needy families. The Naval spokesperson further said that safety kits and other medical equipment have been provided in the different hospitals of the country. Earlier on April 7, the Pakistan Navy in collaboration with Faisalabad Development Trust distributed ration packs among the deserving families in Faisalabad. Pakistan Navy’s Commander Farooq Khan supervised the process of distribution of ration among the unemployed, widows and labourers of 600 families in the suburbs of the third largest city of Pakistan.