The Islamabad administration on Wednesday imposed a lockdown in the Bhara Kahu after new cases of coronavirus were reported in the area. The Islamabad administration had earlier decided to impose a complete ban on the movement of people in Bhara Kahu’s Kot Hathyal Union Council after at a number of members of the Tablighi Jamaat were diagnosed with coronavirus on Monday, according to officials. Islamabad Deputy Commissioner Hamza Shafqaat also confirmed that 16 cases had been reported in the area. The main road to Bhara Kahu has also been sealed, said the DC in his message adding the police and agencies were looking for those who had been in touch with the Tableeghi Jamaat members. On Wednesday, the Pakistan army deployed soldiers and announced via megaphones that the area was being sealed due to the spread of the coronavirus. According to a notification issued by the city administration, there is a complete ban on the movement of people and gathering until further orders in Kot Hathyal. Only one person can go to get groceries or medicine at a time. An official of Islamabad police told Pakistan Observer that so far at least 11 members of the Tablighi Jamaat, who were staying in a mosque in Bhara Kahu area, havetested positive. “We are imposing a full lockdown in Kot Hathyal area,” he added. According to another police official, the member of Tablighi Jamaat had met dozens of people in the area. They have been moved to isolation wards now. “A foreigner was also part of this group and tested positive too,” he said. “The entire area has been turned into quarantine and the people of the area will be tested.” On Sunday, the Palestinian authorities had confirmed first two cases of the coronavirus in Gaza. Both the members were tested positive after their return from Pakistan, according to Gaza’s health ministry. Gaza’s first two cases of coronavirus were confirmed and according to a diplomat from the strip, both Palestinian men contracted the virus while visiting Pakistan to attend the Raiwind Ijtima. Meanwhile, city fathers have taken a late yet right decision to purge the federal capital of coronavirus. In this regard, large quantity of chemicals, chlorine and others have been procured along with heavy machinery to spray federal capital’s various sectors and streets. The spraying will be conducted jointly by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) and the Islamabad Capital Territory Administration (ICTA). According to a statement issued here Wednesday, busy area and major roads of the city with Chemicals as well as to carry out cleanliness in the all parts of the city. All the departments are participating in this special operation, the steps has been taken as preventive measure to control the spread of Coronavirus in the city. Chemical to be used for washing are secured by the ICT Administration from a Chemicals factory at Attock and is an route. The activity would be started from tomorrow after input from Ministry of Health. The step has been taken to prevent the spread of Coronavirus in the city. Furthermore, in line with the instructions of CDA Management, four ventilators are being made operative at CDA Hospital from Thursday (today). Moreover in accordance with instructions of CDA management, Doctors and Paramedical staff of CDA Hospital have been directed to remain alert to cope any emergent situation. Furthermore, a camp office has also been established at CDA Hospital implementation on medical advisory issued by the Government is being ensured. CDA Management and ICT Administration has requested the residents of the city to cooperate with the authorities so that spread of Coronavirus could be controlled. The residents have been further requested to stay at home, avoid unnecessary movements and follow the instructions issued by the departments in this regard.