The India Study Centre (ISC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) hosted a group of Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) interns comprising students from Islamabad’s leading universities.
The group was led by KIIR Chairman Mr. AltafHussainWani. The interaction was part of ISSI’s initiative of engaging the youth, particularly on issues of national importance and Pakistan’s foreign policy.
In his introductory remarks, Dr. Khurram Abbas, Director ISC, stressed the importance of precise academic discourse on the Kashmir issue, emphasizing alignment with Pakistan’s official stance based on UNSC resolutions enshrining the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.
In his detailed expose, DG ISSI Ambassador SohailMahmood highlighted the importance of effective narrative-building in shaping global perceptions and stressed the imperatives of clarity, accuracy and consistency while presenting Pakistan’s case.
He highlighted the distinct legal, human rights, and peace and security dimensions of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and elaborated on India’s detrimental actions on each of those counts. He also noted that the ‘Hindutva’ ideology posed a formidable structural constraint in the way of any forward movement both on the Kashmir dispute and on Pakistan-India relations.
Ambassador SohailMahmood emphasized that the youth must maintain full faith in the justness of the Kashmir cause; fully familiarize themselves with the history and facts of the Kashmir dispute; recognize the massive onslaught of misinformation and disinformation by hostile elements to create confusion and disaffection; and equip themselves with the requisite skills to craft the counter-narrative and persuasively advocate Pakistan’s stance for a just and lasting solution in line with the relevant UNSC resolutions. He also emphasized the importance of proactive diplomatic initiatives on the strength of a whole-of-the-nation approach.
MrAltafWani at the end expressed gratitude to the organizers for organizing a thoughtful discussion/seminar on the subject that is extremely important for Pakistan’s strategic, economic and territorial integrity and very close to every Pakistani’s heart.
At the end Q&A session was held and the participants asked various questions regarding the historical background of the dispute.