QUETTA Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Jam Kamal Khan Alyani on Wednesday said that steps of Lockdown were being taken in Balochistan in order to force people to remain in their houses, aiming to defeat the spread of coronavirus. He expressed these views while talking to media during his visit of Sibi, saying that precautionary steps against the coronavirus has been accelerated in respective areas of province to quell it soon for safty of public health. Mir Jam Kamal Khan also advised the people that they should not go outside of their houses unnecessary and to avoid sitting together. The Chief Minister mentioned that the example of Italy is in front of us where people have not implemented the government’s precautionary measures against the coronavirus which have caused the most casualties there. He said that provincial government would provide all possible facilities of relief to people but it was also the duty of the people to follow precautionary measures against the deadly virus at least for ten to fifteen days. Balochistan’s media is playing important role to aware masses about the preventive steps against the coronavirus threat, he said saying that government of Balochistan has given assignment to departments including social welfare sectors and other sectors who were collecting data of daily wagers in order to help them in the respective areas of province with comprehensive processes after completion of their data. He said that Provincial Secretary has also been assigned in each division to work with the district administration in order to cope the spread of the coronavirus, besides helping the daily wagers. Chief Minister Balcohistan said all available resources were being provided to district administrations to ensure setting up of isolation wards and quarantine centers in each district aimed to combat the coronavirus for interest of health. Earlier, Chief Minister Balochistan reviewed all being taken precaution measures against the virus and inspected established isolation ward and quarantin1e center at District Headquarter Hospital (DHQ) Sibi. Where Commissioner Sibi Division briefed the CM Balochistan about preventive steps against the deadly virus and other matters of hospital.