In the wake of AJK-wide drive, Mirpur district police launched extensive campaign to remove the artificially black-tinted window pans of all sorts of vehicles, police sources said.
Mirpur AJK Senior Superintendent of Police Kamran Ali told APP here late Thursday that in the wake of AJK-wide campaign against the vehicles bearing black window pans with artificially-affixed black sheets on the door pans on all sorts of the private and public service vehicles including luxurious and semi-luxurious cars and jeeps, the Mirpur city police, during indefinite surprise checking at the busiest streets and chowks, vanished the black sheets from over 1060 of such vehicles, indiscriminately at central Sheheed chowk Mirpur city “Y Cross”, Khaliq Abad Cross, Thothal chowk, Mian Muhammad Buksh Town, Bihar Chiwk, secor D/4 police Beat near IIUI school chowk and Chitterpari Town.
The SSP continued that the police teams, headed by Station House Officers of the concerned areas, including city Inspector Raja Imtiaz Shoukat, Inspector Wajahat Hussain Kazmi, Sub Inspectors Arshad Mahmood and Rizwan Malik, and ASI Muhammad Riaz of Beat Ban Khurma, were in a were in a thickly populated locality on the city’s outskirts, he added.
Kamran Ali said that during the day-long surprise checking of such vehicles on Wednesday, Mirpur police also fined a total of 80 such vehicles bearing black window pans for Rs. 25000, besides confiscating 267 motorbikes plying without registration number plates and valid documents, he added.