Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab on Information Chaudhry Omar Sarfraz Cheema said on Wednes-day that the Punjab government was making strenu-ous efforts for provision of all basic facilities in-cluding education, health and clean drinking water to people in the province.
In a meeting with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Sheikh Shahzad Younas at his office, he said that the Punjab Food Authority and Healthcare Commission were fully active to curb quackery and eliminate the adulteration mafia in the province. He said that Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Elahi was going to announce a package for devel-opment of the textile city soon.
The government was also utilising all-out resources for provision of quality edible items to masses, es-pecially the flood-hit people, he said. He also prom-ised solving problems of workers on priority ba-sis.—APP