Bahawalpur police arrested 858 criminals during the month of September 2022, of which 398 were pro-claimed offenders and 62 court absconders. Accord-ing to the monthly report issued by District Police Officer Bahawalpur Ibadat Nisar, stolen goods worth more than 13.5 million rupees were recovered from the criminals.
About 107kg charas and 22956 liters of liquor were recovered and 35 distilleries were ceased. District Police Officer Ibadat Nisar said that along with crime control, community policing is also focused on bridging the gulf between the public and the police and building trust. Bahawalpur police regis-tered 1301 cases during the month and two gangs were nabbed and 10 members were arrested.
In the crackdown against illegal arms, 89 cases were registered and 89 accused were arrested and 05 ri-fles, 07 pistols, 67 revolvers, 02 carbines, 08 guns, and 294 bullets were recovered from their posses-sion. A total of 234 cases against drug dealers were registered and as many criminals were arrested. Police arrested 398 proclaimed offenders including 22 of category “A” and 376 of category “B”.
As many as 2 category A and 60 category B court absconders were also arrested. While conducting anti-gambling operations, 13 cases were registered and 67 gamblers were arrested and the money and gambling equipment was recovered. District Police Officer Ibadat Nisar said that crime can be reduced through the cooperation of the citizens and commu-nity policing.—APP