Our Correspondents
Malam Jabba/Swat
A 12-day long youth training camp was in full swing at different scenic resorts in Swat Valley aiming to promote adventure tourism and attract the youth towards healthy activities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Sports, tourism, culture, archaeology museums and youth affairs department was collaborating with Pakistan primitive survival workshop for a 12-day training camp for the youth to learn skills as to how to survive in harsh and difficult situations being taught by instructors of National Geographic and Discovery Channel, said a press release. Eminent experts including Chad Keel of the Discovery Channel, Reza Eric Allah Bakhshi of the National Geographic Channel, Kody Sherwood of the Oxygen Channel and national athlete Samar Khan, who was imparting training to the youth.
The youth were being imparted training and skills about the use of essential items and making a fire in a difficult and tough situation, water filtration, establishing a shelter, getting out of challenging conditions and others at the survival camp.
An awareness walk in connection with international day of mountains tourism was held at scenic Malam Jabba in Swat district on Friday. The walk, organized by KP Tourism Department, was attended by thousands of tourists and residents of the area. The participants were holding placards and banners with different slogans on importance of mountains and its importance in socioeconomic lives of people.
Spokesman of KP Tourism Department Latifur Rehman told that thousands of tourists from across the country including KP participated in the walk. Pakistan is blessed with geographical, ethnic diversity and mountainous beauty, which is beyond anyone’s imagination.
It is a unique country having five tallest mountains peaks of over 8,000 meters including the world’s second highest K2 (8, 611meters).