A major robbery incident was reported from Gujranwala, where the culprits plundered around 84 tola gold, and Rs 6 million cash from a businessman house located in the Shalimar Town area, police said on Thursday. According to the details, as many as five armed robbers had arrived in a car and after taking the family hostage, looted 84 tola gold, Rs 6 million cash, and other valuables before escaping the scene.
The Punjab police officials are investigating the case with the help of the CCTV footage. In a similar incident last month, around Rs 20 million, 70 to 80 tolagold, and other valuables were plundered from a house in Orangi Town number 5.
They entered the house at 2:20 am in the night and after taking the family hostage started plundering valuables, and fled from the house at around 4:00 am,” an aggrieved citizen said. “They also taken two brothers with them.—INP