Following the special directives of IslamabadCapital Police Officer (ICCPO), Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the Safe CityIslamabad is actively contributing to the oversight of public safety,crime control, assistance in investigations, and providing emergencyhelp to citizens, a public relations officer said.
During 2023, Safe City Islamabad utilized all available resources forfacilitating the citizens. Various facilities were provided to 1,92,144individuals through Police KhidmatMarkazs.
Furthermore, the Safe City Emergency Response Unit received 1,39,717calls through the Pucar-15 emergency helpline. Safe City effectivelymonitored 1,03,951 suspicious activities including crimes, vehicles andtraffic violations throughout the city using modern high-tech cameras.
Moreover, data of 42,332 individuals was collected in the Police StationRecord Management System, leading to the arrest of 16,169 individualsinvolved in various offenses. Safe City’s Hotel Eye software allowed forthe surveillance of over a million people and the arrest of 49criminals.