In just societies, laws are framed to provide justice to all citizens, irrespective of their status, affiliation, faith and nature of public office held, without discrimination of post held being constitutional, elected or paid. Our religion Islam stresses on principle that “All men are equal before law”. Naming and shaming the criminal is an essential part of justice system, especially when crime committed has been proven. Roosevelt stated that “No man is above law and no man is below it, nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it”. In Pakistan elected Presidents, PMs, CMs, Ministers etc have been tried and proceeding of court open to media and judgments once delivered made public.
Reports published in media quoting ISPR have confirmed that serving Major tried by Field General Court Martial has been sentenced to serve life imprisonment for misusing his authority. If the misuse of authority has caused harm to any citizen of Pakistan, then in all fairness identity of criminal and brief nature of crime committed must be made public so that it serves as a deterrence. This is all more important in case of retired armed forces personnel, who after two years are allowed to contest election and in some cases appointed on paid executive posts in civil sectors like WAPDA, PTA, Railways, CAA, etc. Any irregularities or abuse of power and allegations of corruption, while they held civilian posts should be tried by Judiciary just like all other citizens.