Anees Akhtar
MALCOLM Gladwell (a Canadian writer and thinker) formulated a famous method of “thousand hours” study, research and knowledge and organisation. Theory – this method promotes and creates broader vision and legendary brain in scientific, literary and artistic scholars. American world-renowned mind coach, speaker, and self-help guru applauded this method as the world’s best justified and testified method of organisation of knowledge for creativity and innovations. This method can create and design a brain of 7-figure income, and intelligence of super genius level. According to this method of a scholar, one should study everyday one to two hours in a specific field or genre of writing and speaking industry or in a business trade, politics or literature, art or spirituality. One should also keep on taking written notes of study in this field or record the audios and videos of the speeches and attend conferences and speeches in this field of knowledge and research for at least ten years. The one who follows that would become a national and global figure in those fields within 10 years or less. There are some reports that many people got extraordinary achievement within seven years by using this method in their everyday routines.
It is crucial and important for one to systematically archive and organise the complex structure of knowledge in one’s electronic or manual systems of libraries. Knowledge organised by this method would make the mind creative, coherent, articulate and eloquent in speaking, writing, thinking and creating. In this sophisticated world of knowledge and technical advancement, mental clarity in thoughts and feelings is a big parameter to justify a successful and smarter brain. On the other hand, to become an expert and famous in any field, it will not be enough to just rely on academic curriculum and random information acquired from social, press and electronic media. This will make one informative but will not help raise one’s reasoning imagination, logic, cognitive and meta-cognitive abilities in personality development.
Most of the time illogical and irrational minds start exuding prejudices and negativity in their gestures and body languages, instead of enlightenment which is very fractional in smooth development of one’s personality. Scientist David Bohm says, “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” So, to make an order, there is need for organisation and harmony in human brain and thinking so that they can first control an individual logically to enable them to control and organise the world for goodness and prosperity. Leaders in business, politics, science, literature and art produced and evolved by this method would be skilful and problem solvers, rather than just problem raisers. According to the Neurocosmic research for mind empowerment conducted by the author, it is concluded that brains with meta-cognitive abilities, and that have developed ‘executive brain function’ in their prefrontal cortex, are more likely to address and resolve their personal, national and global issues than those who have not developed frontal lobes for these abilities.
So, it is important for scholars, writers, speakers, politicians and researchers to make their minds enlightened first by this method. This way societies can be massively impacted in a good way. Today’s world dynamic leaders with enlightened approaches are required in the field of life globally. Individuals of global societies would have better choices to select from their enlightened points of view instead of narrow visions. Otherwise societies that are run by narrow and illogical minds would slowly perish from the global map and would be occupied or controlled by neighbouring nations and countries. It is also important for these leaders to teach their citizens about common global issues of pandemic, environment, space explorations and weather disasters etc, so that these societies could become an inevitable part of global communities. Similarly, world developed nations should have their specialised human welfare and infrastructure development projects and collaborations designed for higher educational research and innovation projects in developing countries. Developing nations should promote their research and creativity in their educational institutions by incorporating philosophy and music education in their curriculum and academic institutions.
It is a universal fact that you cannot understand science well, even your speciality without applying philosophy and music knowledge in these fields. Because for most of the developing countries, brains are missing the important fuel of creativity – the music and philosophy. By adding these important missing parts in the brain, students, scholars, and researchers would start creating their own science, literature, art, and technology. Then these nations would be less dependent on foreign political and scientific protocols for their prosperity. Creative industries of books, music, film and art are very useful in producing creative minds of poets, writers, philosophers, scientists, sufis and mystics. Their Ideas, poetry and kalams are the basis of developing the scientific fabric of prosperous and glorious nations.
— The writer is freelance columnist, based in Nottingham, UK.