Additional session judge Gujranwala on Tuesday lost cash from his bank account in online fraud. According to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) cybercrime wing, the judge received a call from the accused who took information about his bank account by presenting himself as representative of the bank.
After getting the information, the accused namely Abbass, Hashim and Abdul Shakoor withdrew Rs500,000 from the bank account of the additional session judge. Acting on the complaint, the FIA cybercrime wing arrested three accused and registered a case of fraud against them.
Earlier this month, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) arrested two people allegedly involved in an Rs200 million scam in the name of the online business. According to the FIA officials, the corporate crime circle of the FIA carried out a raid in FB Area and Gulshan-e-Iqbal and arrested two people identified as Owais and Salman.—INP