Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) seeds wouldbring an agricultural slavery in Pakistan besides diseases, as ourfarmers would be fully dependent on the GMO seeds making companies thatwould dictate our agriculture policies and negatively affect our foodsecurity, warned Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoorhere Sunday.
He said Pakistan is amongst the hardest hit countries of environmentchange, but some powerful lobbies are set to introduce harmful GMO seedsfor crucial crops in the country which will bring a huge environmentaland agricultural disaster.He said due to very harmful effects, the GMO seeds are being banned bymore and more countries in the world but here in Pakistan a certainlobby backed by the rulers is hell bent to introduce the dangerous GMOseeds in the country.
He said several countries already have restrictions or bans on theimportation of GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) produce, includingFrance, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia (some states), Austria, Greece,Hungary, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Croatia, SriLanka, Kenya (partial ban), Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Belize.He said the sugarcane mafia in Pakistan and their backers sitting in ourassemblies are hatching a dark conspiracy to slap these anti-farmer andanti-country technologies to Pakistan.
He said sadly the opposition isalso silent on this crucial issue. He asked if a particular GMO seedmaking company had purchased all of them.He said the scientists globally are worried about the harmful effects ofGMO seeds on the environment and their safety for human consumption,particularly surrounding illnesses and allergies.He said that these seeds are amongst the main causes of spread of cancerand allergies in humans. He said Pakistan is already a disease-burdenedcountry and the free flow of the GMO seeds would make the situationworse.He said that the GMO seeds would also affect our food security and makeus dependent on the GMO seeds companies for sowing new crops every year.It would be agricultural slavery which should be avoided at all costs.
He demanded the government, Supreme Court of Pakistan and chief of armystaff to take immediate notice of the GMO seed conspiracy and nip it inthe bud.