Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) has called for reforms to address gaps in the implementation of the Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act (PTRIA) 2013.
In a policy brief titled “Strengthening the RTI Framework in Punjab”, FAFEN urges close collaboration among the Provincial Assembly of Punjab, Punjab Information Commission, and civil society to transform the PTRIA’s promise into practice.
The policy brief is part of FAFEN’s “Countering Disinformation through Information” campaign.
As Pakistan grapples with growing disinformation that often fuels political polarization, strengthening RTI frameworks is vital to restoring public trust and ensuring equitable access to information.
Hailed as a progressive law, the PTRIA faces implementation challenges rooted in the legal ambiguities and institutional weakness.
FAFEN’s assessments of its implementation reveals that around 80 percent of government departments were unclear about their obligation to publish annual compliance reports under PTRIA while a majority of the public bodies failed to respond FAFEN’s information requests within legally-stipulated response time.
The policy brief highlights critical legal and operational challenges, including discretionary controls of the provincial government over the appointment and removal of Information Commissioners and the budgetary allocation for the PIC.
Moreover, vague or missing definition of key terms like “working days” and “public body,” risk the arbitrary interpretation that may undermine the spirit of the law.