City police chief AIG GhulamNabiMemon said on Friday that militants can carry out more attacks in the city and the law enforcement agencies must be ready for them every time. “There are concerns and there is no doubt about it,” said additional Inspector General of PoliceGhulamNabiMemon, when asked if the militants can carry out more attacks in the city. “We must be ready for them every time.” On June 29, four armed men had attacked the Pakistan Stock Exchange in Karachi. Three people, including two private security guards and a policeman, were killed in the attack. The attackers were also killed soon after they tried to enter the building. The attack was claimed by the outlawed Balochistan Liberation Army. Memon said that they had intelligence reports that the militants were going to carry out attacks in the area and they had deployed personnel near the stock exchange. He said it was impossible for police to check every vehicle entering the city. “When you stand at a main road, you can see hundreds of vehicles passing through it in a minute,” Memon said. “It is not possible to stop and physically check them all.” The Karachi police chief said that law enforcement agencies often conduct combing operations when they receive reports of militants’ presence in any area. The AIG had revealed few days ago that threats of an attack on the Pakistan Stock Exchange were received earlier as well due to which security in the area had been beefed up. Memon had said that the perpetrators of the attack had support from Karachi and said that it seemed as if the attack was not the work of a single organisation. “It seems that the mastermind of the Chinese consulate and Pakistan Stock Exchange attacks is the same,” said the AIG. He added that there were a lot of similarities between the two attacks, saying that a lot of sleeper cells had been activated in the port city.