The Patron in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and head of Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that despite lockdown, America, the chief of colonial powers and her agents India and Israel are playing a heinous game against global peace. Indian ceasefire violations at the LOC is a grave threat to regional peace. United Nations seems to be left with making mere appeals; if the organization assisting aggression against the oppressed does not change its course, it will meet an end much worse than that of the League of Nations. Enemies threatening to intrude in Pakistan must learn lessons from the shot downs of their drones. The courageous armed forces of Pakistan are fully prepared for the defense of motherland. War hysteria of Indian army chief during the corona pandemic is a food for thought. Seven hundred and sixty-five Indian cease fire violations during the last four months is equivalent to instigating a war. Muslims of the world must pray for the eradication of Corona pandemic and condemn the oppressors during the month of Ramazan. He said this while addressing to the members of TNFJ’s district Council Rawalpindi. Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that at a time when the whole world is hit hard by the Corona pandemic, India is targeting the civilians residing at LOC leaving dozens of people martyred including children. India has taken full benefit of the global situation and kept state terrorism continued. He said that India army and its leadership have gone mad, they must remember the shameful defeat they faced on 27th February of 2019 by the Pakistan’s armed forces. Despite facing multiple humiliations, India is still bent upon inflicting harm on Pakistan and defaming her repute. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi further said that India has used all possible tactics to suppress Kashmir’s legitimate freedom struggle however, none of her cruel tactics w as able to deviate Kashmiris from their movement for the right of self-determination.—PR