Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan said on Tuesday that from today Pakistan Television has started a regular tele-school broadcast. Launched by Ministry of Education and Information and Broadcast-ing jointly, the project was a manifestation of Imran Khan’s vision of promoting education in the country, she said in a series of tweets. She said that education process of the students is suspended due to coronavirus outbreak. The SAPM that through this television channel children and other students at home will benefit from the teaching process. The dura-tion of the special broadcast would be from 8 am to 6 pm daily and students from Class-I to Intermediate level will benefit from it, she added. She said that the tele school would also benefit the children who cannot go to school for some reasons. The project would also help in promoting literacy across the coun-try, she added.–APP