ISLAMABAD Former pacer Shoaib Akhtar has asked the government to introduce an online system for generating funds to combat the coronavirus [COVID-19] pandemic. “I request the government to introduce a coronavirus fund raising system where people can donate with open hearts. Please arrange a way where overseas Pakistanis can directly send their money to,” he said on hisYouTube channel. The 44-year-old also asked people to join hands with the government at this time by helping through funds. “This is not only the government’s responsibility but we all will have to work together at this time,” he added. He also asked the people to launch a campaign on social media, especially though WhatsApp groups to generate funds for the needy. “Please utilize WhatsApp technology, organize some groups there wherein everyone can put the amount. That amount can be transferred in accounts of hospitals.” Shoaib said coronavirus was hitting everyone in the world irrespective of their faith and social status, hence everyone must come forward to combat the pandemic and save the humanity. He said nations were built in difficult times and the true character of a person also come to limelight in such times. “This is the day [time] when we can show our [real] character. And this is the day [time] when we can rise like a [great] nation,” he added. In his message to doctors, nurses and all paramedical staff across the world, he said they were not alone in the battle against pandemic. “You’ve put your lives in risk to save our lives. We salute you all.” He noted that everywhere in the world doctors and paramedics were working relentlessly to save human lives. “This was the crux of humanity. This was the love which was binding as all together. “From health sector to the other [fields], everyone in the world, who is working in this noble cause, we say to you, thank you. “I also salute to doctor Osma, who met martyrdom in Gilgit in the line of his duty [treating coronavirus patients]. [Osama!] I salute to your family too.—APP