Frustrated India captain Virat Kohli criticised his team and sparred with a journalist as New Zealand won the second Test inside three days to sweep the series on Monday. Home skipper Kane Williamson celebrated “an outstanding performance” as New Zealand, who won the first Test by 10 wickets, claimed the second by seven wickets to wrap it up 2-0. But it left Kohli, who was caught making a foul-mouthed outburst to the crowd during day two, disappointed with his top-ranked side. “We were completely outplayed in this series, and obviously did not play the kind of cricket that we do play as a team,” Kohli said. “We were not positive enough, we were not brave enough.” The irritation was clear from the current holder of the “spirit of cricket” award as he lost his world number one batting ranking following a string of low scores. Kohli gave Williamson a very animated send-off in the first innings and he was caught on camera yelling an obscenity at a group of New Zealand supporters on Sunday. But he refused to answer questions about his behaviour after the Test. “What do you think?” he fired back at a journalist, when asked if it was appropriate conduct. “If you want to create controversy this is not the right place to be. I spoke with the match referee and he had no issues with what happened.” In the two Tests, on traditional New Zealand green wickets, India managed scores of 165, 191, 242 and 124, reflecting Kohli’s low contributions of 2, 19, 3 and 14.—Agencies