In order to control the prices of food items, the District Administration launched a massive crackdown against shopkeepers involved in overcharging and imposed fines of Rs 16000. On the directives of Deputy Commissioner Shehryar Gul Memon to provide relief to the general public, Assistant Commissioners and Mukhtarkars of all tehsil visited markets and shops in their domain and checked the prices of eatable items.
In this regard, Assistant Commissioner Nawabshah Ali Sher Jamali visited different shops and outlets of Nawabshah city and imposed a fine of Rs 8000 on shopkeepers who were involved in overcharging, Assistant Commissioner Daur Abbas Ali Dayo imposed a penalty of Rs 3000 while Mukhtarkar Qazi Ahmed Rs 5500 from the over chargers. The DC said the district administration was adopting all possible steps to provide relief to the common man.—APP