Punjab Governor Chaudhry Sarwar said that the opposition will not be united because they lack ideology.
“Some of them are in favour of reconciliation while others support opposition. Opposition’s stand on legislation regarding FATF is not right.” Punjab Governor Ch Sarwar was talking to the media on Wednesday after the groundbreaking ceremony of Panagah in Jinnah Hospital by the Charity organization called Friends of Lahore. Head of Friends of Lahore, Gohar Ejaz, along with Anwar Ghani, Mia Ahsan was present on the occasion among others.
The governor said that the opposition will only have meetings and will never be able to come on the same page. All of them have their own political interests and they only think about that, not about the country, he regretted.
Responding a question, Chaudhry Sarwar said that it is true that the opposition is not united for any movement. There exist political rifts within the PML-N and other opposition parties.
Within PML-N, there is a difference of opinion about political matters as some of them are in favour of reconciliation while others are not. Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that the opposition should prioritize national interests over political and personal interests. It is very unfortunate that the opposition’s stand on legislation regarding FATF is not right. If our government is undertaking legislation on FATF, it is in favour of our National interests and the opposition should support it.
In response to another question, the governor said that the democracy and Parliament are strengthening in Pakistan. PML-N and PPP have completed their terms as per the constitution. The public has given PTI a mandate for five years and our government will complete its term which is our democratic and constitutional right.
He said that the public has the power to vote. The public can vote out the government if they fail to live up to the people’s expectations. Public will have the right to take the decision in the general elections of 2023.
Addressing the ceremony, Governor Punjab said that the initiative of Panaghas has been very successful under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Those who were homeless do not have to sleep on pavements any longer. Inauguration of Panagah in Jinnah Hospital is commendable. I congratulate Gohar Ejaz and his team on this initiative. They will start working on establishing a Cancer Hospital very soon and they have my full support for these initiatives, he added. Governor Punjab lauded the role of affluent people and NGOs during COVID19 and said that with their support we distributed ration among 15 lac deserving families across the country.
On this occasion, Gohar Ejaz said that we are not only establishing Panagahs but we are providing free food to patients. He said that we have no political agenda; our only purpose is the service of humanity. He said that we will start working on establishing a Cancer hospital, very soon.