Health can generally be measured on three major parameters; they are Physical, Psychological and Nutritional. Physical health means to show the physical appearance of a person, Nutritional health means to show the presence of essential nutrients material in the body to build it healthy and fit and to protect body’s organs from diseases. Psychological health means to show the ability of a person to maintain a patience calm and composure in all circumstances of life. In my point of view, living a healthy lifestyle is all about eating nutritious food, exercising daily, and participating in any types of physical activities that make the person to be healthy physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and ethically.
This has been said by a great man, “What you put in your body is what you get out of it”, which is thoroughly and certainly true, in fact, eating good food can have myriad amount of benefits in your life. More people should consider what they are putting into their bodies, especially school and college children and boys, considering we do live easy-mac, and cafeteria food. Eating healthy definitely does regulate your weight and maintain your body fit, in fact, that makes you to concentrate your study and also indicate that students who eat healthier must be proven to be more productive, and radiate more positive energy rather than peers who constantly put junk food into their body.
In earlier days, life was not so hectic. It was quite simple and people stayed healthy and fit all the time and participated in many domestic and outside activities and challenges with healthy lifestyle as they were having awareness about all the daily routine activities and performed them by their own hand and body. But when we point out modern lifestyle, it is totally dependent on the technological world as it becomes our life’s parts.