With global infections standing at thirteen million, the threat of Coronavirus is far from over. WHO Director General Tedros whilst addressing a virtual briefing from the UN Agency’s headquarters in Geneva warned the crisis may get ‘worse and worse and worse’ if the basics were not followed. He said the virus remains public enemy number one, regretting that many countries are headed in the wrong direction.
As regards Pakistan is concerned, the situation appears to be improving due to the government’s strict enforcement of smart lockdown policy as well as adherence to the SOPs by the public. This is the reason that the total number of recoveries in the country has surpassed the active Corona cases. Nonetheless, there is no need to be complacent at all and our authorities concerned need to stay alert to avoid the situation getting out of the control which will be bad not only for our health infrastructure but also our economy. The very words of WHO Chief should be taken very seriously and given heed to. Also according to a research released on Monday, patients who recover from Coronavirus infections may lose their immunity to reinfection within months. Thus this implies that those who have recovered from the disease are not risk free and they also need to be careful like any other person in order to avoid contracting the virus again. For Pakistan, the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha is a test case as to how it manages to curtail the spread of the virus. It is the time when the people will be visiting the cattle markets to purchase sacrificial animals. The authorities concerned must ensure the people fully comply with the SOPs developed by the National Command and Operation Centre for the cattle markets. It is also for the people to take the utmost care for their own and the safety of others. Children and elderly people must not go to the cattle markets. Also consultations must be held with the religious scholars regarding the observance of the holy month of Moharram. As the social distancing cannot be observed during processions, these must not be allowed to take place for the safety of everybody.