RESPONDING to the popular demand, the Punjab government, on Tuesday permanently banned kite-flying across the province. The provincial assembly passed a law envisaging severe penalties for violators, including lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines. The violators will face terms ranging from three to five years and fines up to Rs. 2 million while kite and string manufacturers could face even harsher penalties, with possible sentences of up to seven years and fines as high as Rs.5 million.
This is a timely measure as it comes ahead of preparations for Basant when kite-flying reaches its peak resulting in loss of precious lives besides injuries to people in different areas, especially congested urban centres. Recently, the Rawalpindi Kite Flying Association declared its intent to celebrate Basant on February 13 and 14. Vice Chairman of the Association declared by January 31, thousands of kites and strings will be available across Rawalpindi and sales will also be conducted door-to-door. No doubt, Basant is a cultural event and a source of entertainment for thousands but the provincial government was forced to impose a permanent ban on kite-flying because of non-cooperation of the string manufacturers and careless attitude of the kite-flyers. It is the responsibility of the Government to protect lives of the people and this objective cannot be sacrificed at the altar of economic activity or entertainment. The ban should religiously be enforced and other provinces and the Federal Government may also follow the suit in banning kite-flying.