Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
Pirwadhai seminary rape
Incidences of rape and sexual molestation are on the rise since the 80s. The primary factor is the failure both by police and state to prosecute and punish criminals involved in such gory crimes. The accused, a principal of a seminary in Pirwadhai, was assisted by a female instructor of this madrassah.
This criminal has a previous history and yet he was allowed to head it. The irony is that DNA samples and other forensic evidence was collected by the police but they deliberately or through sheer criminal negligence failed to deliver them on time to the Forensic Laboratory as per SOPs.
We cannot blame the social media applications such as YouTube, Tik-Tok etc., for the rise in these crimes because they only expose what has been happening.
It is the failure of few within the police, district management and provincial administrations, whose sickening mindset chooses to tolerate such incidents.
Thanks to social media, this cancer which has infected our society is being exposed. Even when such incidents are brought to limelight, the concerned police officers are suspended as a matter of routine and then transferred to another police station, where their sick and decadent mindset and tolerance for criminals provide patronage to criminals. The focus should be on the crime and punishing criminals, instead of blaming victims etc.
Such police officers should be sacked and face criminal charges for their complicity by their failure to perform their role in accordance with laws and SOPs.
Unfortunately, almost every elected political ruler and uniformed dictator has exhibited the same criminal tolerance and failed to ensure that justice is provided.
It is an unfortunate fact that such crimes have risen during the past three years, which has shocked many who had expectations from Imran Khan.
Lack of electrical safety
It’s a pity that we as a nation are still struggling for a nationwide appropriate infrastructure despite 74 years of independence and citizens are at the mercy of inappropriately equipped utility providers.
The transformer explosion in Hyderabad on the second day of Eid is a stark example of the callousness resulting in a loss of human lives.
To literally add insult to injury, the medicines required to treat the severity of burns were unavailable at Civil Hospital Hyderabad and the patients were shifted to Karachi
Perhaps those seven deaths and other injuries could have been prevented, but were inevitable because of HESCO’s incompetence at various levels.
What are the citizens supposed to do then? From sourcing their own water, to making arrangements for their power generations during endless load shedding hours, besides other utilities, he is at the mercy of incompetent utility providers.
This lack of electrical safety is just a one-off incident and if gone unchecked, may continue jeopardizing many lives across the country.
Keeping citizens safe is not something that can be done without investing money to improve the system.
Unfortunately, HESCO is in such poor state that it may not even have the funds to do so, while other bigger cities are able to accomplish it.
Shouldn’t such loss-making entities be privatized then so that they stop getting milked through subsidies when the level of service provided is extremely substandard and internal chaos, making such organisations cave in? FESCO is another example where the CEO was suspended because of recurring power outages.
Eventually the end consumer is at a loss who pays through countless load shedding hours and even his precious life! When did human beings become so disposable?
Electrical issues in PU
I’m a second semester BS student at Punjab University’s Main Campus. Being old, the Geography department lacks many facilities, mainly electricity.
During extreme weather conditions in June and July, students and teachers have to attend classes without fans and lights.
Air Conditioners are also not provided at all though they are fixed in rooms yet they haven’t been serviced for many years, which made them useless. Electricity is a basic need of the faculty and lacking such basic facilities make matters worse.
I think it to be a great negligence by the HOD and the management that they must arrange generators and get the ACs serviced in class rooms. Students of previous semesters have been complaining for this issue to the management of the department but no action has been taken.
They must take the comfort of students and teachers in consideration so that they can concentre on their studies properly.