SECULARISM, a political philosophy that has been misunderstood and maligned endlessly in Pakistan claiming that it is something against religion or against any belief in God. Far from it, it is a belief that teaches respect for all religions. Secularism is an ideology that says religion should not be involved with ordinary social and political activities of a country. It dictates that there is no official religion of the state. It believes that people have a religion and not a country. It believes in complete separation of state and religion.
George Jacob Holyoake (13 April 1817 – 22 January 1906) was an English secularist, co-operator and newspaper editor. He coined the terms secularism in 1851 and “jingoism” in 1878. Secularism has been defined as a world view or political principle that separates religion from other realms of human existence, often putting greater emphasis on
nonreligious aspects of human life or, more specifically separating religion from the political realm. Secularism has long been viewed as integral to modernization due to its connection with the Enlightenment. The broad secularization thesis suggests that as societies modernized, the influence of religious institutions and beliefs gradually diminished. This does not, however, imply that people abandoned religious belief or that atheism became dominant. Instead, it signifies a reconfiguration of religion’s role, from a central institution in governance to a more private or personal matter for many individuals.
Sociological research has shown that religion remains a potent force even in modern societies. It continues to provide individuals with meaning, emphasizing the notion that humans do not live by bread alone.Several sociologists have underscored the functional role of religion in society, emphasizing that it meets important psychological and social needs. The central tenet of secularism is the separation of state and religion.
While religion remains deeply em-bedded in society, the state must operate according to principles of neutrality, ensuring that religious beliefs do not shape public policy. This is the essence of secularism. But how well does this separation work in practice? Consider the United States, where the notion of secularism is enshrined in the Constitution, but the role of religion remains evident in public life. For example, at Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration on January 20, 2025, religion played a visible role, from the incoming president’s visit to church in the morning to the benediction at the ceremony.
While the First Amendment of the US Constitution mandates the separation of church and state, the national motto, “In God We Trust,” is printed on US currency, indicating that religion still plays a symbolic role in public culture. The idea that secularism is a western concept is not true and this idea has been strongly challenged by great thinkers like Amartya Sen. According to him secularism is not a western concept but a universal idea that promotes peaceful coexistence in pluralistic societies. Secularism is necessary in any democratic society. In a democratic society, governance must be based on the equal participation of all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliation. Secularism guarantees that no single religious world view dominates, ensuring the freedom of individuals to practice their own faith or lack thereof without fear of state interference. Secularism, therefore, is not just a theoretical concept — it is an institutional framework that protects democracy by ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of religious elites. Secularism upholds democratic values by ensuring freedom of religion. It gives individuals the freedom to choose, change, and practice religion, or not to follow any religion at all. Secularism upholds democratic values by ensuring freedom of religion. It gives individuals the freedom to choose, change, and practice their religion, or to not follow any religion at all. The Separation of religion and state is a key principle of secularism. It ensures the independence and autonomy of religious institutions from government influence and vice versa. It removes any formal connection between religious organizations and the state’s political affairs, preventing the establishment of an official state religion. Secularism, therefore, is not just a theoretical concept — it is an institutional framework that protects democracy by ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of religious elites.
Historically, the process of secularization typically involves granting religious freedom, disestablishing state religions, stopping public funds being used for religion, free-ing the legal system from religious control, freeing up the education system, tolerating citizens who change religion or abstain from religion. Secularism is the corner stone of a diverse and harmonious society. It allows people of all be-liefs to coexist, fostering mutual respect and understanding.
By separating religion from state affairs, secularism en-sures that every individual’s rights and freedoms are protected, creating a space where unity thrives. All modern secu-lar societies in the world tend to prioritize individual liberties and freedom of thought, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-determination among their citizens and this emphasis on personal agency contributes to overall satisfaction. No wonder today the most modern, progressive, developed and rich countries follow and practice secular democracy. In Pakistan today there is an urgent and immediate need to clear the misunderstanding and political fog deliberately created around the concept of Secularism. Secular does not mean irreligious or an agnostic society. It only means that there is no official religion and it is not a theocratic society like the system in Afghanistan imposed by the Tali-ban. Everyone has full freedom to practice whatever Religious faith they believe in– belief being personal, not a matter of State!
But first of all, the political ‘fog’ created around the concept of Secularism in our context must be cleared. Secular does not mean being irreligious or an agnostic nation. It only means that there is no official religion i.e. it is not a theocratic state. Everyone has full freedom to practice whatever Religious faith they believe in– belief being personal, not a matter of State! Quaid-i-Azam Mohd. Ali Jinnah our founding father in his speech to the constituent assembly of Pakistan on 11th August 1947 had made his secular intentions very clear when he said “You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed — that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”
—The writer is Professor of History, based in Islamabad.