DECEMBER 16 takes memories back to bitter tragedies – one resulted into dismemberment of the Quaid’s Pakistan while the other reflected existential threat to the remainder Pakistan by the menace of terrorism. It was on this day in 1971 that people of Pakistan witnessed the fall of Dhaka while 2014 tragedy claimed lives of 147 innocent students and staff members of the Army Public School in Peshawar that was invaded by terrorists.
The two fateful events of our history have many lessons for us to learn and observance of the day reminds us of the unending conspiracies against the country and the need to promote unity and solidarity to foil them. People of Pakistan are fully resolved to face all challenges to the security and survival of the country and take Pakistan forward on the road to progress and prosperity. However, the country has suffered immensely and is still embroiled in complexities of different sorts mainly because of short-sighted and self-centred policies and approaches by individuals, leaders, parties and institutions. The enemy which hatched conspiracies to dismember Pakistan is still pursuing same policies to harm the country in different ways. Annexation of Occupied Kashmir by India, attack inside Pakistan, sponsoring of acts of terrorism and sabotage in different areas of Pakistan and full-blast propaganda against the country aimed at tarnishing its image in the comity of nations are clear pointers that things have not changed much after 1947 partition which was not accepted with open heart by Indians. It was, of course, Pakistan’s nuclear capability that has prevented the enemy from implementing its nefarious agenda fully. We, therefore, must salute our scientists, engineers and technicians for making defence of the country invincible. This also emphasizes the need to keep our nuclear deterrence updated and relevant ignoring pressure tactics of some powerful countries that are working to de-nuclearise the country with a carrot and stick policy. Our armed forces also deserve credit for fighting a comprehensive war against the menace of terrorism as a result of which we are seeing normal activities of life in almost all parts of the country. There are no more no go areas and even formerly FATA is in the process of integration with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. However, the challenges of political polarization and weak economy are still haunting the country and the leadership must demonstrate the required vision and far-sightedness to address them satisfactorily.