Pakistani film and television fraternity across the country remembered the famous and talented late actress Rani on her 73rd birth anniversary on Sunday. Rani was born on 8 December 1946 as Nasira in Mozang, Lahore to Malik Muhammed Shafi and Iqbal Begum in an Arain family. Rani was a film and television actress. She gained success in the late 1960s when she made a hit pair with famous actor and producer Waheed Murad. She remained one of the most successful actresses of subcontinent and became popular for her dance performances in films. Rani played various roles in both Urdu and Punjabi films. She started her film career in 1962 as Anwar Kamal Pasha, a veteran film director of the 1950s and 1960s offered her a role in the film “Mehboob”.