Mirza Shahnawaz Agha
I am stimulated to write whatever I can as a rejoinder soon after responding to your mail. Your article is based on facts that are overlooked by political expediency and therefore extremely significant. The compromises made by this brinkmanship between ‘value systems’ and ‘political craft’ has left humanity in the dumps of history. Gandhi has a biography that contradicts and questions his deeds and intent. There is a vivid dichotomy and without answers. In fact he is guilty of some deeds that label him as a criminal by the cannons of law anywhere. To uphold his doctrine is politically invalid for a country created anew called India spread over five hundred princely states prior to the arrival of the British. The Chinese saying ‘that if you wish to consolidate a revolution attack it’ is apt after colonization.
India emerged as an ethnic union because the oppressed could relate to each other. Modi on the other hand is an opportunist and a religious zealot, bigoted to the core and evidently hollow to deserve leadership of over a billion people on the planet. His ignorance and any understanding whatsoever, for egalitarian coexistence, limits him with a choice to be the monster he is, adopting the RSS ideological line that too with deformity and extremism.
The good side of Modi is the hope he brings for the one billion plus people of India who will take a lesson from history and endorse the validity of the message of Islam that propounds universal brotherhood and upholds coexistence with tolerance. He guarantees the division of this Nation State on ethnic, racial and religious basis in the foreseeable future as has been the consequential norm of oppression in human history. This polarized divide whenever it should happen will also vindicate the excesses of the British Raj and Whiteman’s club that seek to use India as their bouncer in the Asian pub even today. The mention of the UN Security Council and the OIC in the roles they have played in contemporary history is really insignificant and we in Pakistan must understand this all too well.
Our Messiahs are within and not outside our indigenously developed strengths. There are more than one way to proverbially ‘skin the cat’ and countries around Modi’s India must wake up and unite to bring down this bull in a China shop. I am hopeful that the Pakistan establishment has and continues to strive to avenge scores with the excesses caused to our people, territory and vital economic interests over decades by a hostile directionless and an inhuman neighbour.
— The writer is an entrepreneur and author of the book Current Chronicles based in Karachi.