In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, in a major crackdown against Hurriyat leaders and activists, Indian police have seized at least 72 movable and immovable properties, including a house belonging to Dukhtaran-e-Millat Chairperson, Aasiya Andrabi’s mother in law and a vehicle of her associate, Fehmeeda Sofi.
A police spokesperson said that the police headquarters had accorded permission in 46 cases for seizure and attachment of various moveable and immovable assets of individuals or associations. He said that following the due procedures of the law, police had in last couple of years or so accorded sanction for seizure and attachments of four wheelers, motorcycles, cash, land houses and shops through different orders. “The permission for seizure has been granted under section 25 Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967,” he said.
He said under the Act, 61 vehicles including trucks, cars, motorbikes, scooties, load carriers, and ambulances have been seized. He said cash of rupees 370000, cheque worth 50 thousand rupees have also been seized.
Besides immovable property which has been seized includes five houses including the house of Mehmooda Begum mother-in- law of Aasiya Andrabi, six shops belonging to Nazir Ahmad Wani of Pulwama and one Kanal, six marlas of land.
Meanwhile, Hurriyat leaders and organisations have strongly denounced the move.—KMS