City Reporter
In pursuance of the Notification of July 11, 2019, regarding transition from two-year BA/BSc Programmes to Associate Degree Programmes, Phasing out of MA/MSC Programmes, (with extended timeline of March 31, 2021, due to Covid-19), most of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) transitioned to the Associate Degree regime.
However, a few HEIs admitted students in the phased-out BA/BSc programmes beyond the prescribed deadline.
As a result, such degrees don’t hold the entitlement to claim recognition and attestation by the Higher Education Commission.
Foregoing in view and considering disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and to protect the educational career of the students enrolled in such programmes, following approval of the Commission, one-time waiver is granted to the BA/BSc degree holders enrolled in the Academic year 2019.