Researchers assessed the effects of various micronu-trients on cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes risk.
They found that some micronutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, and coenzyme Q10 decreased cardiovascular risk but not others. They also found that beta-carotene supplements are linked to increased cardiovascular risk and cardio-vascular mortality.
Experts say that further research is needed to under-stand how these results may apply to dietary rec ommendations. Diet and nutrition are important drivers of cardio-vascular disease (CVDs) and type 2 diabetes (T2D), The American Heart Association recommends diets high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and low in saturated fat and sodium to reduce CVD and T2D risk.
Further research into micronutrients is crucial for personalizing preventive strategies for CVDs and T2D. In a recent study, researchers reviewed 884 random-ized controlled trials to assess the link between micronutrients and cardiometabolic risk. While some micronutrients reduced cardiometabolic risk, others had a neutral effect. Beta-carotene, however, increased CVD risk.
The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Which supplements were beneficial? For the study, the researchers analyzed 884 studies with a total of 883,627 participants. Data included micronutrient supplementation; nine measures of cardiometabolic risk factors covering blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar levels, and a range of outcome measures including cardio-vascular events, diagnosis of T2D, and mortality from stroke, heart disease, and all-cause mortality.
From their analysis, they found that several micro-nutrients improved at least two of the nine CVD risk factor measures based on moderate to high quality studies. These included: They noted that omega-3 fatty acid supplements decreased CVD mortality, heart attacks, and other heart diseases, while folic acid reduced strokes. Meanwhile, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and selenium had no effect on CVD events such as heart attack, arrhythmia or stroke, or diagnosis of T2D and had no impact on longer-term outcomes such as cardiovascular mortality.