PRIME Minister Imran Khan has made a realistic assessment of the ground situation in Afghanistan by urging the United States to recognize the Taliban Government in Kabul reminding American policy makers that ‘there was no alternative to Taliban’.
In an interview with CNN, he said the only option was to work with the Taliban and incentivise them to what the world wants such as an inclusive government and respect for human rights, especially those of women.
The Prime Minister also questioned Western claims about the human rights situation in Xinjiang urging the West to show the same indignation over atrocities in India-occupied Kashmir as they do over Xinjiang.
The West committed blunders in Afghanistan mainly because it ignored repeated advice by Pakistan that there was no military solution to the conflict and Afghans should be allowed to decide about their future.
It seems it is repeating the mistake once again in the post-withdrawal period as is evident from its lop-sided policies towards the Taliban Government.
Despite the hostile attitude of the world (under influence of the US), the Taliban Government, independent analysts point out, is performing better than the previous regime and there is every reason to strengthen its hands as this is the only way to restore sustainable peace and stability in the war-torn country.
The Prime Minister has rightly pointed out that there was no other option in Afghanistan than to recognize the Taliban Government and extend a helping hand to it in managing affairs of the country.
Afghanistan has remained fragmented for a long time as far as internal politics and groupings are concerned but it is for the first time in decades that the country has a strong central Government having control over all parts and regions of Afghanistan.
There is no worthwhile opposition to the Taliban rule other than sporadic troubles created by some foreign countries as part of their strategy to undermine the Taliban Government.
The human rights situation in Afghanistan is also much better than it was during foreign occupation when innocent people were mercilessly bombed, killed and maimed even during marriage and funeral ceremonies.
It is also a fact that the counter-terrorism policy of the United States bred terrorism as killing of innocent Afghans during 20 long years sparked reaction and strengthened national resolve of the Afghan people to defend the motherland against foreign occupation through all means.
It is unfortunate that Washington is still encouraging some terrorist groups in Afghanistan as part of its policy to pressurize the Taliban Government as well as Pakistan, Iran and China.
The Taliban Government has expressed its determination not to allow terrorist outfits to use Afghan soil for any other country but it is because of foreign pampering that some groups like TTP and Baloch militants are still operating from Afghanistan.
The situation demands strengthening capability of the Kabul Government to deal with all terrorist groups and this demands a cooperative attitude towards Taliban.
As against this, attempts are being made to cause the downfall of the Taliban Government, which could push the country in another vicious cycle of violence and instability with catastrophic consequences for neighbouring countries, especially Pakistan.
It is because of such apprehensions that Pakistan is consistently pleading with the international community to change its discriminatory attitude towards the Taliban and provide Afghanistan with necessary resources to avoid a humanitarian crisis.
The non-seriousness of the United States was highlighted by its latest decision to unfreeze about half of the Afghan funds and the oppressive nature of the decision has sparked strong reaction both from the Taliban as well as just-minded members of the international community.
The money legitimately belonged to Afghanistan and it should be handed over to the Afghan Government but Washington is making unilateral decisions about its usage.
As has been pointed out by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Osama bin Laden was not brought to Afghanistan by Afghans, but by foreigners and, therefore, the money of the people of Afghanistan should not be given to victims of the 9/11 attacks.
The Prime Minister also showed a mirror to the West, which is engaged in false propaganda about the human rights situation in Xinjiang but has closed its eyes to what is happening in Occupied Kashmir where occupation forces are engaged in the worst kind of war crimes.
This is reflective of their double standards on the issue of human rights.