The Punjab government has taken a mega step to promote business activities in the province as “CM Punjab Asaan Karobar Finance” and “Asaan Karobar Card” schemes were launched on Tursday.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, addressing the inauguration ceremony said, “Under the Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme, interest-free loans up to Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 3 crore will be provided. Payments will also be made in the mode of easiest installments. Loans worth Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh will be given through the Asaan Karobar Card. Those who wish to benefit from these schemes can apply online today. Further information about the schemes can be obtained through helpline 1786.”
She added, that CM Punjab Asaan Karobar Finance and Asaan Karobar Card are the first and unique schemes of the Punjab government. Earlier, it was not easy to launch a business, now it has been made easier through these schemes. Land will also be provided at very subsidized rates to start a small business.”
She said, “There is no need to immediately get any NOC, license or map passed to obtain a loan. Get a loan today and start your business tomorrow. These interest-free loans will be given through the Bank of Punjab.”
She said, “In order to enhance country’s exports, more incentives will be given to set up industries in export processing zones. Solar systems worth Rs. 50 lac will also be given free of cost to those who aspire to establish industries in the export processing zones.
She said, “The Punjab government is undertaking all possible steps to utilize its mineral wealth. Everyone should play his/her role in accelerating the process of industrialization in Punjab. In order to obtain interest-free loans, apply on these websites ( and ( and a special helpline 1786 has also been activated for your assistance.”