Under its new phase of the ‘Karachi Rights Movement’, the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi chapter announced it would besiege the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board’s (KWSB) head office on May 20 over the issue of water shortage in the metropolis.“The KWSB has become a centre for corrupt people and corruption.
The government institution responsible for water distribution has failed to supply water in lines but plays a supportive role in the sale and purchase of water on a commercial basis,” JI Karachi chief Hafiz Naeemur Rahman said as he announced the protest plan at a press conference at the party’s headquarters in the city.He said that under the newly launched post-Eidul Fitr phase of the rights campaign for the city, the Karachi Caravan will be held on May 29 to highlight the civic problems of the metropolis’s residents.He added that the JI could not detach itself from the burning issues of the city and the Karachi Rights Movement would be accelerated in the days to come.