SRINAGAR In occupied Kashmir, analysts w ho closely watch the ground situation have said that despite the pandemic of coronavirus India continues with its anti-Kashmir policies in blatant violations of UN resolutions . These analysts who preferred to remain anonymous for their safety in their interviews said, August 5 actions, new domicile law and delimitation are parts of Indian sinister plan to further colonize Kashmir. ‘When the world is busy with combating coronavirus, India is implementing its anti-Kashmir laws, which are aimed at changing demography of the territory,’ said one analyst, a professor at Kashmir University, Srinagar. India’s anti-Kashmir moves are meant to dilute historical and geographical status of Jammu and Kashmir, he added. Another one said that India’s antiKashmir policies w ere intended to marginalize Kashmiri Muslims. ‘India is adding fuel to fire in South Asia by continuing with its anti-Kashmir policies,’ he warned. He said that Modi-led BJP government was pushing forw ard Hindutva supremacist agenda through its anti-Kashmir moves. ‘Anti-Kashmir moves have exposed India’s real face to the world with New Delhi usurping every right of Kashmiris,’ a third analyst who writes on the issue for the past more than 20 years said and urged the world to come forward to stop Indian anti-Kashmir policies ‘before it is too late.’ The analysts said that in occupied Kashmir violent siege and search operations and arests of innocent Kashmiris continue unabated. Earlier, a senior diplomat from the High Commission of India was summoned to the Foreign Office to register Pakistan’s strong protest over the ceasefire violations by Indian occupation forces along the LoC. The incidence of ceasefire violations along the LoC have seen an upsurge in recent months as tensions continue to soar between the two nucleararmed neighbours.—KMS