In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, transporters have announced to observe a wheel-jam strike on Wednesday (March 30) against anti-transporters’ policies of the Modi-led fascist Indian regime, being advanced by its local proxies.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the announcement was made by Kashmir Welfare Transporters Welfare Association, an amalgam of various transporters associations.
Among others, the Association demand roll back of the order dated February 7 by virtue of which age limit has been prescribed for the commercial vehicles.
They demanded that “25 years age for the commercial vehicle be retained.” As per the new order, all the commercial vehicles are being phased out after 20 years in Jammu and Srinagar. They have also demand revocation of the order, calling for installation of vehicle tracking device in the passenger vehicles.
“Order regarding collection of Passenger tax which has been linked the renewal of route permit of the vehicles shall also be recalled,” the Association said in a statement.—INP