The Sindh High Court (SHC) has ordered to register murder case against the police party over a fake encounter in Karachi’s area of Surjani in 2019. The policemen including ASI, Imran, constables, Arif, Sajjad, Waqar and Fahad had claimed to kill two suspects booked at Surjani PS in 2019 in an encounter. According to the report submitted in the SHC, it was proven that the encounter was fake and the suspects were shot at a distance of two feet only. The shells found from the crime scene didn’t match with the weapons the police claimed to have recovered from the possession of the dead. The police also failed to prove charges of dacoity against the suspects. Terming the encounter as fake on the basis of the evidence, the SHC directed to register a murder case against the policemen and directed the SSP West for departmental action against the accused police party. It is to be mention here that the police claimed to kill two suspects involved in dacoities after meeting an encounter in Surjani, an area of Karachi, last year.