The Special Investigation Unit (SIU) on Monday announced arrest of four members of a notorious extortion gang from the city’s Manghopir area. “The arrested outlaws included Abdul Rauf Sasoli alias Commando, Fazlur Rehman, Abdul Ghafoor and Ghulam Abbas,” the SIU said in a statement. The gang was demanding protection money from the traders and residents in Faqeer Mohammad Goth of Karachi, the SIU stated. “The accused had recently extorted seven Lac rupees amount as protection money from a trader”. The gang had demanded 24 million rupees from the traders and residents of the area. The police has filed a case against the arrested men under the Anti-Terrorism Act at Manghopir police station. The officials said that the extortion gang have 10 members. Further investigation has been underway and it is expected that more arrests will be carried out based on the information extracted from the suspects in custody. Karachi has remained a hub of criminal activities of extortion gangs in recent past, which were demanding and receiving protection money from citizens. After Karachi operation, launched by the law enforcement agencies, this activity was curbed to an extent. However, the crime again raising its ugly face with frequent reports about the activities of extortion gangs.