In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) activists led by party Chairman Harsh Dev Singh and General Secretary Yash Paul Kundal held a protest and torched the effigy of the BJP government in Jammu.
According to Kashmir Media Service, agitated over what they called the biased treatment perpetuated against Jammu region by the successive Indian government particularly the BJP regime staged the demonstration at Jammu Press Club. The protestors raised slogans against the Modi government.
Speaking on the occasion, Harsh Dev cautioned the Modi regime to refrain from taking Jammu region for granted.
“Stop treating Jammu as a colony of Kashmir and New Delhi leaders. Stop looking at Jammu region with a jaundiced eye.
We are equal stakeholders in the political landscape of J&K and pampering of one region at the cost of the other is wholly un-acceptable. It could have serious ramifications,” he Singh.—INP