Senior Minister and AAK Foundation Chairman Abdul Aleem Khan said that he believes in serving humanity beyond any political interest and with this spirit his foundation was always at the forefront in every hour of need.
He appealed that every citizen should come forward in difficult situations and put his share in minimizing the worries of the people and every citizen should feel his responsibility instead of being content with just the government. He added that it is also our religious duty to distribute the resources given by Allah Almighty to general public.
In the suburban areas food items were distributed for gypsies by Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation and relief was provided to common man during Ramazan and corona lockdown.
These areas included Gujjar Colony, Kahna Kaccha, Mohlanwal, Bakar Mundi and Bagriaan where these items were given to the poor and needy communities. Volunteers of Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation were active in distributing ration bags from house to house in the slums.
Abdul Aleem Khan said that the volunteers of AAK Foundation have helped the needy ones by going to their doorsteps and the purpose of all these welfare activities is only and only for the pleasure of Allah Almighty which is more important in this sacred month of Ramazan and corona time for which AAK Foundation has utilized its own resources.